Saturday, May 27, 2017

Its almost publishing time!

Divine Interference   - Living with Angels,Demons, Fairies,& Ghosts
Good morning~

 The memoir which began life as this blog is almost ready to be sent to the publisher- just a few more tweaks and we'll have a book! I expect a box of books to arrive at my house and a listing on Amazon by the third week in June- I'm so excited!

  I've enable a Pre-Order feature on the etsy store for those of you who would like a special - A signed copy with free shipping in the Continental US. Go here to order your copy. There is no minimum so please feel free to order one or two more as gifts

  Once I get my 'summer legs ' ( similar to  sea legs but more difficult to acquire) under me I will begin the next writing project- a handbook of sorts for those who are 'sensitive'. I have some lovely images and thoughts on how this book will be set up- I'm anxious to begin! Please 'stay tuned' for updates and excerpts on that project.

  Thank you to those who read this blog and have followed along- I would love it if you shared , commented and let me know who you are and from where you're reading...

 Until Next Time -

Monday, May 15, 2017

We're live on Kindle now!

working paperback cover with original artwork


  Having taken the advice of a few readers I have moved my writing of this blog onto my private files and developed a book that is currently available on Kindle. In a few weeks a paperback a will be available for those who prefer a 'real' hold-it-in-your-hands book.
The paperback can be Pre-ordered on my etsy store HERE. You will receive a signed copy and shipping is complimentary
   There are at least 2 more books in the works and those will be previewed here as well -- stay tuned!

In the meantime- please check out the Kindle Book - 
Available now for your Kindle or eReader.