Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Angel

'angel of light' by marina petro

  During the years surrounding my time in Kindergarten while living on an east coast Air Force base many paranormal instances occurred in our home. Some of these experiences were scary, some terrifying and some awe inspiring. The Angel was all of these things ....
   It has taken me a long time to come to terms with The Angel insofar as the context in which it showed. Was it a Thought Form born of my mother's fear and religious mythology? Or was it as it said it was - an Angel.
  Part of the reason I decided that the Angel was in fact an Angel was because it gave me its name. At 5 years old I was not aware that Angels had names or that there were different kinds of Angels. But as I grew up and learned more within Christianity (for better or worse) I learned that Angels do in fact have names, ranks, and places within their 'world' (something I still believe to be true today) I was also told that they are completely 100% good and devoted to humans except for those that fell with Lucifer who was himself an Angel- and a powerful one at that. Trouble ensued when I asked how Angels could be 100% all-good and rebellious at the same time and if they really are wonderful comforting Beings why are they booming 'FEAR NOT!"  in the Bible stories with their arrival to an array of cowering humans? As to why The Angel came I believe now that a psychic disturbance was felt in other realms from the activity in our home and this 'ripple' summoned this Being.

 But to backtrack to my encounter: as I said, the period of time living in that house was paranormally and psychically chaotic. Shortly after The Skull Incident (see the previous post) I was once again awake in the middle of the night and not sure what had awoken me. I remember laying on my back and staring at the green and white checked canopy without blinking until the checks blurred and began to move around - this was a habit of mine when I was awake in the dark. This time though a hole opened in the center of the fabric and a column of light came down from not only through the canopy but through the actual ceiling and roof. I could catch a glimpse of the night sky around the shaft of light.  I was not afraid but I remember feeling cautious- I was aware that this was something entirely different than even The Skull. There was a gentle pulsing coming from the column but it was comforting, not buffeting. Like a gentle heart beat or soft waves on a beach. Then in my head - I could not literally hear the voice with my ears - a male voice spoke. It told me what it was and what His name was (is). He let me know that I was being watched over and that the scary times were not done but that I would not be alone. The colors within the shaft of light changed gently through out this Being's monologue  - sometimes coral reds, sometimes violets, sometimes blues and pinks and yellows.
I don't remember The Angel leaving and I don't remember falling asleep. I woke the next morning knowing something momentous had happened. I cannot clearly remember if I told my mother about this visit right away or later but there were ramifications that happened which showed me in no uncertain terms that I was to not speak of the things that I saw and spoke to with my family.

Photo by me. taken in 2010 in New Orleans, LA

 This encounter or meeting has permanently influenced the way I see and relate to such Beings. After having experienced this at such a young age the Old Master's paintings of beautiful androgynous humans with gorgeous wings were forever taken from me. Don't get me wrong- the paintings are amazing and I adore them and I even suspect that Angels can present themselves as such should they so choose, but the entity that came to me was massive on a scale that is unimaginable. And while He was not unkind the enormity of Him was -and still can be- very intimidating and scary (the whole 'Fear Not!' thing in the Bible).  It is my belief that these Beings that we call Angels have been interacting with us on our realm for as long as we have been in existence. They belong to no particular belief system though they show up time and again in almost all of the major world religions. I believe that they are essentially good and work for human kind's highest ideals though I think they may 'see further' than us and have a more complete view of what that 'highest good' actually is.
What I absolutely scoff at is the whole fluffy winged fairy type angel that sits on shoulders and one is assigned to each person as a 'guardian'. This is a combination of  human ego and Victorian-era romance. We all have guardian spirits - this is true - but to relegate such astoundingly powerful Beings to human babysitters is, to me, the height of human arrogance and folly.

  True to their traditional roles as Prophecy bearers and all round Announcers , The Angel spoke Truth; the scary times were indeed not over. And I would not be alone.

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